Palliative and End-of-Life Care at Home

Consultus has a wealth of experience caring for clients who require palliative or end-of-life care.

Our experienced live-in carers work with families, other healthcare professionals, support groups and our live-in nurses to maintain client comfort and provide the highest quality of care. Our live-in carers help their clients to maintain dignity at all times.

Palliative and end-of-life live-in care can offer support with physical symptoms and provides a dependable support system for those affected by a life-changing illness.

Palliative or end-of-life live-in care provides the best possible quality of life for clients and offers support and comfort for their families and friends. We take into account emotional, psychological, religious and spiritual needs as well as physical needs.

During periods when qualified nursing care is required, a Consultus live-in nurse, experienced in palliative care, can be arranged to offer 24/7 support. 

Client sat in her living room

Edith's Story

Consultus were contacted by the family of an 85-year-old lady living in the home counties. Edith had been suffering from heart problems for a number of years and was now bed-bound.

With her condition deteriorating, Edith’s family was hoping to arrange for a live-in carer to take care of her and support them and the various healthcare professionals involved in her palliative care.

The family discussed with us their desire for their mother to remain at home and they explained the extent of care already being provided by local carers and the family.

The first carer booked to help Edith was Jane, who had worked for Consultus for many years. This very experienced carer was chosen by the Care Consultant for her calm and compassionate nature. Jane was an excellent choice, developing an immediate bond with Edith and her family. Our live-in carers supported the local carers by delivering all of Edith’s personal care, including bed bathing, turning at regular intervals night and day, and managing incontinence.

The family was relieved that Jane was able to extend her booking, but as was natural at this very difficult time the workload was particularly onerous entailing long hours, so we twice arranged for a new carer, Susan, to enable Jane to take a few days break.

Our carers also performed the vital role of communicating gently with Edith and offering her and the family continuous reassurance. They worked alongside the GP and palliative care nurses, remaining flexible in a changing situation to provide continuous end-of-life care.

Six weeks after our carers were assigned, Edith died peacefully in her own home, surrounded by her family. The family warmly acknowledged Jane and Susan’s indispensable contribution.