Dementia and Alzheimer's Live-In Care

What is Dementia?

Dementia can affect anyone, whatever their gender, ethnic group, class, educational or professional background. It is progressive, meaning that the symptoms will eventually get worse, and moving away from home can be particularly traumatic, making live-in care an ideal option for providing optimal support

Experts believe there are over 100 different types of dementia. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with any type of dementia or MCI, Consultus fully understand how this can impact the extended family. Live-in care offers expect care assistance 24/7 to help people at all stages of dementia.

Our live-in carers have a good understanding of the different ways in which dementia can manifest itself, including memory problems, changes in personality and mood, problems with perception and difficulties sleeping. They support clients to exercise choice, control and independence wherever possible and ensure that each client, irrespective of their condition, feels valued, respected and safe.

Wherever possible, we try to arrange for a rotation of regular carers to look after a client living with dementia, to minimise disruption and encourage a calming environment.

Client sat in his arm chair

John's Story

John was 79 years old when we first met him. He was the main carer for his own wife, who was suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

Acting as carer for someone you’ve pledged to spend your life with is entirely natural, but throws up an array of emotional and physical challenges. And since Parkinson’s disease is progressive, those challenges were only going to become tougher.

John’s family is spread across the world, but they keep in touch. It was their decision to contact Consultus, hoping that we could provide a Live-in Carer to help John look after his wife. Our Care Consultant discussed the type of care the couple would like, and we assigned a carer with experience looking after people with Parkinson’s and dementia, to help with personal care, toileting, mobility and general cooking and housekeeping duties.

We arranged a two weekly rotation of bookings made up of a core team of carers who got to know the couple over a period of time. That helps with familiarity and feeling at ease. It also meant that we spotted another change. John’s ability to understand what was happening to both him and his wife was deteriorating. With the help of our carers and several family members, John was assessed and diagnosed with vascular dementia. Our team did all they could to help him remain as independent as possible and still involved with the continued care for his wife.

Sadly, John’s wife passed away and, as is so often the case in such circumstances, his condition worsened. We continued to send the same carers to John, aiming to provide continuity of support and minimise his confusion at this extremely difficult time.

As John’s dementia progressed, the need to provide more help during the day and overnight became apparent. We placed a second carer living in the home, to support the daytime carer by covering the night time. Dementia can be very alarming, for the person with the condition and for their family and friends. By providing familiar and experienced carers giving emotional support and personal help, John was able to remain in his own familiar home environment.

Emily's Story

Emily is 75 years old and lives on her own in Surrey. She had been getting by with some help from her family, but she’s partially sighted and had recently been diagnosed with early stage dementia.

Her family became concerned about her increasing levels of confusion; they weren’t sure she was safe to be living alone but knew that she’d enjoy a better quality of life if she remained in the home she loved. They were particularly anxious to find the right carer for their mother, as she was less than keen to have anyone else in her house.

So they got in touch with Consultus.

We worked with Consultus and chose a suitable carer with the right experience to look after Emily. Initially this introduction required a lot of patience and support.

Consultus understood Emily’s reticence; it’s only natural after all to want to remain as independent as possible. But once she and our carer, Sian, had built up trust, Sian’s stay was extended for several weeks. A crucial part of Emily’s acceptance of the new living arrangements was the way Sian gently encouraged her to take up various activities that she had previously enjoyed.

When the time came for the next carer to arrive, Sian was able to give a thorough handover and ensure a smooth transition in care, and Emily was well prepared for what was happening.

The family is delighted with the companionship and the encouragement their mother receives in continuing to do the things she loves, like singing and listening to music. It’s also meant that the time the family spends with their mother is enriched. We’ve continued to place the same small group of carers with Emily on rotation, to maintain her sense of place, familiarity and security.

Client laughing whilst her grandson teaches her how to play video games