Later Life Planning Information

We understand that there are a number of challenges to overcome when considering the provision of later life care for yourself or your loved ones and are happy to share the below resources to support you through these decisions. 

Nurse bringing drinks to her client who is sat in his wheelchair in the garden with his wife and daughter

Choices in Care Report - Live-in Care Hub

Founded in 2014, the Live-in Care Hub - of which Consultus is a founding member - is a non-profit organisation committed to raising awareness of 24/7 care at home, improving the quality of care in the UK and guiding families through all their care options in an honest, impartial way. The Live-in Care Hub is passionate about offering an enhanced life at home, challenging the traditional view that residential care and nursing homes are the only answer.

The Choices in Care Report encourages pre-emptive ‘Care Conversations’ with ageing loved ones; to explore the care options available to them before it’s too late; and to aid confident, more informed decisions, about the most suitable type of care when the time comes.

Planning for the Future - Consultus

In 2021, Consultus carried out research via OnePoll. This research aimed to better understand the attitudes of adults in the UK towards their preferences for and planning of later life care. 

Consultus Local Consultant smiling whilst talking to a client during a home visit
Client and carer looking at a book together

Care Choice Gap - Consultus

The UK is facing a ‘care choice gap’ in the way we care for our older generation.

The Care Choice Gap is a report commissioned by Consultus. It features research and findings regarding the state of care of the elderly and vulnerable; it calls on individuals, commissioners and the government to avoid a care crisis by taking greater responsibility for elderly care funding.

The Care Choice Gap report recommends:

  • Awareness: People should know more about the choices available, including the option of 24/7 live-in care in their won homes on a one-to-one basis
  • Planning: Individuals and families need to take responsibility for their own long-term care, as the state’s limited resources are already stretched. The earlier people explore the available financial options, the more likely they are to achieve their ideal care choice
  • Commissioning: NHS Commissioners need to consider the individuals they are providing care for and how best to meet their needs and wishes